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Chunshen Middle School is now ready to welcome its first batch of students.  Read more

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization is expected to establish a Category 1 Institute of STEM education in Shanghai, according to the Ministry of Education.  Read more

Students and teachers are no longer required to wear masks on campuses, the latest COVID-19 epidemic control plans for schools and universities said on Monday.  Read more

A Chinese student from Jiading Defu Middle School in Shanghai shares a project at the Creativity in Education Summit 2022 held in London on Tuesday.  Read more

Around 100,000 grade 11 and 12 students from over 250 high schools in Shanghai returned to school on Monday after about three months away from campus because of the COVID-19 epidemic.  Read more

Grade 11 and 12 high school students in Shanghai can return to school starting on June 6, and Grade 9 students can do so starting on June 13, the Shanghai Education Commission announced on Thursday.  Read more

Shanghai will pull its strength toward enhancing employability of fresh university graduates whose job-seeking prospects are disturbed by the current round of the COVID-19 outbreak, local authorities said on Saturday.  Read more

More than 95,000 primary and secondary school students in Shanghai's Jiading district started online learning on March 14.  Read more



Great places to visit in Jiading

Great places to visit in Jiading

Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.