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The company is a large joint venture established by the German Volkswagen and SAIC Motor  Read more

The company is co-invested by Shanghai Automotive Ltd (49 percent) and the German ZFSteering Systems Ltd.  Read more

The joint venture involves a total investment of 21.23 million euro.  Read more

The company specializes in designing, developing, manufacturing and selling automotive exterior trims.  Read more

The company is a Sino-Japanese joint venture established in February 1989.  Read more

DuPont Performance Coatings (Shanghai) Ltd is a limited liability company invested by DuPont China Holding Ltd.  Read more

Continental Corporation is a Fortune 500 enterprise headquartered in Germany.  Read more

The company is a joint venture established in July 1995 by SAIC Motor and German Continental AG.  Read more



Great places to visit in Jiading

Great places to visit in Jiading

Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.