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​A high resistance product application center received 150 million yuan ($21.9 million) in investment from Kennametal Stellite (Shanghai) Co.  Read more

The China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) and a subsidiary company of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) with headquarters in Shanghai's Jiading district recently formed the Data Security Initiative (DSI) automotive working group to investigate data security system building, research, promotion, and solutions in the automotive industry.  Read more

Over 10 scientific and technological achievements developed by Shanghai Institute of Ceramics of Chinese Academy of Sciences were applied to the Shenzhou XIV mission.  Read more

Industrialization base of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch Jiading local government and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Shanghai Branch.  Read more

The Electric Vehicle Research and Development Center of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Founded in July 2009.  Read more

The 32nd Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation was one of the earliest research institutes in China focusing on computer science and technology.  Read more

The Shanghai Laser Plasma Institute, a research arm of the China Academy of Engineering Physics, was initiated in 1984 and put into operation in 1986.  Read more

The 51st Research Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC), also called Shanghai Microwave Equipment Research Institute, was founded in June 1978 and focuses on the development of professional technologies and equipment related to electronic information products.  Read more



Great places to visit in Jiading

Great places to visit in Jiading

Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.
