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Winter activities available for visitors in Shanghai

( ) 2017-01-10

Shanghai, as a city sitting at the mouth of the Yangtze River, is often hit by freezing winds during winter. Despite the frigid climate, native Shanghainese have developed several innate ways to drive away the chill.

Eat mutton

Mutton cooked without seasoning is popular among the locals, especially with chopped green onion, soy sauce, vinegar and thick chili sauce. [Photo from WeChat account shanghaitourism]

Best places: Zhenru town, Zhangqiao village in Jinshanwei town, Jiangqiao town in Jiading district

Authentic Shanghai-style mutton shops are usually hidden in the humble corners of the metropolis. Mutton braised in soy sauce, stir-fried sweetbread, roasted gigot, and steamed goat brain – these dishes are highly ranked local favorites paired with a tasty spirit or rice wine.



Shanghai Auto Expo Park

Completed in March 2006 and open to the public free of charge, the Shanghai Auto Expo Park sprawls across an area of 76.67 hectares.
