Sandvik Mining and Construction (China) Ltd
2013-07-12Sandvik Corporation has businesses in more than 130 countries and regions.  Read more
Hanhua Zonghua (Shanghai) Plastic Ltd
2013-07-12The company is a wholly foreign-owned enterprise established by Hanhua Corporation  Read more
Shanghai House Foods Ltd
2013-07-12The company is a joint venture established in January 2004 by a Japanese curry maker.  Read more
Fujitsu General (Shanghai) Ltd
2013-07-12The company is a wholly-owned enterprise established in December 1994 by the Japanese company Fujitsu General.  Read more
Shanghai Kureha Chemical Ltd
2013-07-12The company is a joint venture established in 2003 by Kureha Chemistry and Mitsubishi Corporation.  Read more
Shanghai Baoling Plastics Ltd
2013-07-12The company is a joint venture established by Japanese Mitsubishi Chemical Industries and Itochu Corporation.  Read more
IP Packaging (Shanghai) Ltd
2013-07-12The company is the ninth corrugated paper packaging plant established in China in March 2007 by International Paper.  Read more
It is a research and development company established by Fiat.  Read more

Great places to visit in Jiading
Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.