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Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.  Read more

Jiading has poetic autumn scenery.  Read more

Recently, the sweet osmanthus flowers have started to bloom in an ecological osmanthus garden in Shanghai's Jiading district.  Read more

Waigang town in Shanghai's Jiading district was known as the "ancient Bund of Shanghai" and is home to Yantietang Pond, Gupu River and Lianqi River.  Read more

​The Summer Solstice, which fell on June 21 this year, brought about the beginning of the lotus blooming season in Shanghai's Jiading district.  Read more

After the Start of Spring, which was on Feb 4 this year, the plum blossoms began to bloom in Shanghai's Jiading district, adding a touch of spring colors.  Read more

Guyi Garden in Shanghai's Jiading district was recently rated as one of the 21 Shanghai digital scenic spots by the Shanghai Municipal Administration of Culture and Tourism, local media outlets reported on Jan 19.

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A cultural art and rural tourism route in Jiading district was included in the recently released 2021 Shanghai beautiful rural village tourism routes.

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Great places to visit in Jiading

Great places to visit in Jiading

Two of Jiading's great sites, Jiading Museum and Hantianheng Art Museum, were chosen as part of the third batch of worth-visiting places in Shanghai.